Thoughts in My Head

Morning coffee time at the Park Coffee and Bread Company

Either because I am very brave or crazy I updated my phone to iOS 18. So far no major issues except the icons aren’t showing up in the library. After I reboot the phone they are showing. Then if I don’t use the phone for awhile, like when I am recharging they disappear. Sent Apple a feedback.

Flowers at the Tipsybean garden in Erie,Pa

Morning coffee at Werner Books and coffee

Walk to Barnes and Noble

Scenes from Ember and Forge coffee shop in downtown Erie, Pennsylvania

Flowers on the way to shopping at Wegmans

Spring Blooms

Pink blooms on a plum tree

Made some fresh horseradish this morning. I would not recommend standing over it and taking a deep breath. Don’t ask how I know this.

Sunday Sunrise

Brought this paint-by-number last week, and quickly realized that my pride level is intermediate, but my skill level is a beginner

Pods Against a Blue Sky

My First Mac

My First Mac

The Fortieth Anniversary of Apple has been written and discussed exhaustively on tech podcasts and blogs. The one question that was asked on any Mac-centric podcast was, when did you get your first Mac?. This got me thinking about my history with the Mac. I got my first Mac around 2005 or 2006. It was a Mac Mini. Mac Mini March 2009.

I’m pretty sure it was the Intel version. I remember it came with a Tiger cd. I was coming from a beige Compaq PC running Windows XP. I remember it took a while for me to get used to the Mac way of doing things. Since then, I have only used a Windows machine at work.

First snow of 2024

Chocolate Fudge

I love the sunlight on autumn trees

Had an excellent old fashion diner breakfast yesterday with a nice cup of coffee at Chet’s diner.

This passage from Orphan Train hit me hard this morning

My grand niece had her first day at kindergarten today. Yes I am feeling old.

Death Among Life

Dead tree in the middle of live trees

I watched the Spanish thriller God’s Crooked Lines yesterday afternoon. It kept me interested from beginning to end. This movie’s critical scene is the letter reading in the beginning. Throughout this movie, you are trying to determine when the main character is telling the truth and lying. Even in the end, the answer is not clear. IMG 3427 🎥

Mushrooms of the Morning

A Group of light brown mushrooms

A Juicy Plum

Top shelf of local coffee shop

An IndieWeb Webring 🕸💍