Thoughts in My Head I suspect he will get the same answer he did when he first asked, which is no answer. The Trump administration thinks the Executive Branch is supreme and doesn't need to listen to the courts. Will be interesting to see what happens when they don't respond

@dwalbert I have an older sister who lives in Lititz, maybe the next time I visit her I will try to find Reading Draft Birch beer.

@toddgrotenhuis I have always wanted to try salted licorice but it’s not a thing in the United States. I remember trying clove and blackjack gums and liking them. Horehound not so much. Mixing Diamine Inks Mixing Diamine Inks!

@numericcitizen I am looking forward to reading the article

@hollyhoneychurch I have deleted both Instagram and Threads from my iphone for Lent.

@numericcitizen I set it up so that any thing that is address to Gmail or Apple Mail is automatically forwarded to my Fastmail account and I use Thunderbird as my email app of choice. Very slowly but surely I am updating anything that has a Gmail address to Fastmail. Hopefully someday is the far future nothing will be going to Gmail. Hope this answers your question.

@numericcitizen I have been using Fastmail for over a year now and to me it is well worth the monthly subscription to get away from using gmail.

@Miraz I feel greatly honored to be a part of this list, thank you!

@gsymon @gsymon I believe using conditioner is a habit that began during my childhood. Growing up, I had very wavy hair that often got tangled, causing pain when my mom or I combed it. To alleviate this issue, I started using conditioner. While I’m not entirely certain if it’s still necessary, the habit persists. thanks for the info I have followed him

@cheesemaker I love the use of a streamer and the mocha looks amazing

@Miraz good progress on your home. Hopefully the weather is cooperating and the cement will cure fast

Sea Shanties with the Robert Shaw Chorale was favorite albums growing up, so yes I am a lover of sea shanties

@adamprocter I watched Mulholland Drive last night. It was my first David Lynch movie. I am not sure I can say I liked it, but I am still thinking about it.

@canion that reminds me of the series “Explain Like I’m 5” (ELI5) concept, which became popular as a way to simplify complex topics for broader understanding.” Not an easy thing.

@toddgrotenhuis I just started to use Story Graph. I am deciding between it and Book Tracker. I just started the comparison Tuesday so it is still on going.

@Ebly yeah that would have been bad. Give them a whisky and a beer and you have a bar, Steve and Brad aren’t picky

@ChrisJWilson So do I.

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